
 Anti-fascism sounds reasonable as a rallying cry. The reality behind the whole thing is rather different. Here the Wiki is at its tendentious worst, feeding us its preferred version of the truth. The Wiki is good as a first source but needs confirmation before being taken seriously. The antifa are now foot soldiers of the Left Wing, of Marxism. One of its groups is Unite Against Fascism or UAF.

It is at least a question whether the anti-Fascists of UAF know what Fascism is. The fact that it only differs in detail from Nazism & Communism has escaped them. Dear old Uncle Joe Stalin could have changed places with Adolf or Benito without anyone noticing the difference.

See the ugly reality of the hate driven, Hard Left criminals who are Subverting civilization at Antifa Terrorists Exposed

The Wiki omits mention of  Unite Against Fascism, another activist mob. UAF Supporters include the usual suspects of the Hard Left, genuine Useful Idiots and the vicious.

One of the best known is David Cameron, lately Her Majesty's prime minister and de facto Marxist sympthiser, just like Ted Heath, the well known paedophile. Then there is Rent A Mob; they believe that they are on a higher Moral plane and that beating people up is healthy exercise.

You might be interested in or simply Then there is the other, Look for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.


Anti-fascism ex Wiki
is opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals. The anti-fascist movement began in a few European countries in the 1920s, and eventually spread to other countries around the world............... 

United Kingdom: against the NF and BNP
After World War II, Jewish war veterans in the 43 Group [ see The 43 Group - Untold Story of Their Fight Against Fascism ] continued the tradition of militant confrontations with Oswald Mosley's Union Movement. In the 1960s, the 62 Group continued the struggle against neo-Nazis.[35]

In the 1970s, fascist and far-right parties such as the National Front (NF) and British Movement (BM) were making significant gains electorally, and were increasingly bold in their public appearances. This was challenged in 1977 with the Battle of Lewisham, when thousands of people disrupted an NF march in South London.[36] Soon after, the Anti-Nazi League (ANL) was launched by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). The ANL had a large-scale propaganda campaign and squads that attacked NF meetings and paper sales. The success of the ANL's campaigns contributed to the end of the NF's period of growth. During this period, there were also a number of black-led anti-fascist organisations, including the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) and local groups like the Newham Monitoring Project.[37]

The SWP disbanded the ANL in 1981, but many squad members refused to stop their activities. They were expelled from the SWP in 1981, many going on to found Red Action. The SWP used the term squadism to dismiss these militant anti-fascists as thugs. In 1985, some members of Red Action and the anarcho-syndicalist Direct Action Movement launched Anti-Fascist Action (AFA). Their founding document said "we are not fighting Fascism to maintain the status quo but to defend the interests of the working class".[38][39] Thousands of people took part in AFA mobilisations, such as Remembrance Day demonstrations in 1986 and 1987, the Unity Carnival, the Battle of Cable Street's 55th anniversary march in 1991, and the Battle of Waterloo against Blood and Honour in 1992.[40] After 1995, some AFA mobilisations still occurred, such as against the NF in Dover in 1997 and 1998. However, AFA wound down its national organisation and some of its branches and had ceased to exist nationally by 2001.[41]

There was a surge in fascist activity across Europe from 1989–91 after the collapse of communism. In 1991, the Campaign Against Fascism in Europe (CAFE) coordinated a large militant protest against the visit to London by French right-wing leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen. This sparked a surge in anti-fascist organisations throughout Europe. In the UK alone, in 1992 a number of left-wing groups formed anti-fascist front organisations, such as a re-launched ANL in 1992, the Socialist Party's Youth against Racism in Europe YRE, and the Revolutionary Communist Party's Workers Against Racism. A number of black-led organisations, along with the Labour Party Black Sections and the National Black Caucus, formed the Anti-Racist Alliance in 1991, which eventually became the National Assembly Against Racism.[42]

In 2001, some former AFA members founded the militant anti-fascist group No Platform, but this group soon disbanded. In 2004, members of the Anarchist Federation, Class War, and No Platform founded the organisation Antifa. This predominantly anarchist group has imitated AFA's stance of physical and ideological confrontation with fascism.[citation needed]

Sweden: Antifascistisk Aktion activities
See also: Antifaschistische Aktion § Sweden
Antifascistisk Aktion (AFA) is an anti-fascist group founded in Sweden in 1993. AFA's Activity Guide advocates violence against neo-Nazis. Some in the mainstream media have labelled them left-wing extremists.[43][44][45] An editorial in the tabloid newspaper Expressen argued that the label anti-fascist was misleading, because of the organization's methods,[46] such as stealing the subscriber list of the National Democrats newspaper, and threatening the subscribers.[46] Other critics say the group does not respect freedom of speech, because some members have attacked moderate conservatives and other nationalists.[47]


'Anti-Fascist' Thugs Exposed [ 23 September  2017 ]
There had been brawls the last time Patriot Prayer – [ allegedly ] a far-Right nationalist group – rallied in the liberal city of Portland, Oregon.

This time police were ready. Officers lined barriers to keep the mix of white nationalists and Trump supporters in baseball caps and T-shirts separated from a black-clad band of counter-protesters, heads covered in hoods or helmets, faces hidden by masks or scarves. It wasn’t enough.

As the time of the rally approached, dozens of antifascists - or antifa as they style themselves - made their move, shoving at the barricade. Rocks, smoke bombs and water bottles arced through the air..........

More than 50 years after Berkeley’s campus became the centre of the 1960s student Free Speechfor some ] movement, the stage is set once again for a new, bloody round of confrontation.
The Main Stream Media and the Education Industry incite hate, especially Black Hatred. It worked. The Long March Through The Institutions is paying off for the followers of Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists. BTW Cameron is a member of 'Unite Against Fascism' [ UAF ]

So it is 'all right' to use obscenities but not very naughty words like Nigger - see e.g. the next one.


Antifa Thugs Exposed By Video - Main Stream Media Suppress Truth [ 2 October 2017 ]
On Thursday, conservative commentator Steven Crowder released an undercover video (below) exposing the violence-embracing leftist movement Antifa. In the video, two undercover reporters are embedded with the "anti-fascist" group for a few weeks and capture on video Antifa members discussing the violent tactics they plan to use as well as weapons they plan to carry — at one point even handing a reporter weapons — in order to disrupt an event featuring Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro.

Crowder begins the exposé by explaining that his team of reporters has been "infiltrating this organization for a long time, hard." The result is evidence that is so damning that the authorities ended up thanking Crowder and his team for their work..................

Despite some politicians and celebrities on the left publicly distancing themselves after Antifa's egregious acts of violence became too politically toxic to openly endorse, Crowder notes, "Antifa has never operated alone. They've been actively supported by professors and other leftists and student organizations." Crowder provides the example of current Utah State faculty members who "encouraged and emboldened students to disrupt the Ben Shapiro event and create chaos.".............

Crowder says they immediately gave the police the video evidence of the violence the Antifa members were planning. But when Crowder tried to get some of the media to find out more about what his team uncovered, reporters were strangely uninterested in learning about the violent leftist group. Crowder concludes the video by asking, "Is the media complicit in all of this, or do they just suck at their jobs?"

The Antifa, the 'anti' Fascists don't want debate about their nasty views; they want debate shut down. They are a fundamentally Marxist mob. NB Cameron, is a member of UAF, one of their offshoots. The Main Stream Media are in the business of Antifa, inciting Black Hate, encouraging White Guilt & suppressing the truth about Jews as Paedophiles, Jews as thieves, Jews as political manipulators, as the Puppet Masters.


Antifa Terrorists Exposed  [ 6 June 2020 ]
James O’Keefe has done it again. He had an undercover journalist inside Antifa and what they recorded is exactly what the media won’t tell you. The first video dropped yesterday and it records conversations of Antifa leaders and organizers explaining what they’re about how sophisticated they are.

Nicholas Cifuni, a member of Rose City Antifa, is on video explaining tactics they use and train for.

“Don’t be that *expletive* guy with the *expletive* spike brass knuckles getting photos taken of you..Police are gonna be like perfect we can prosecute these *expletive* look how violent they are, and not that we aren’t but we need to *expletive* hide that *expletive*

The undercover journalist described how he became a ‘prospect’ in Antifa.

The journalist and Antifa terrorist organization met in Portland, Oregon in a strategic process of identification like you would see in a spy movie. Then he had to work his way in to become a 'prospect'. Once inside he captured some of these videos....................

He identifies the founder of Rose City Antifa as Caroline Victorin. Caroline moved to Sweden with her husband. The journalist explains that there was a constant connection with a European contact. He explains that whoever was her connection had much more experience in warfare-like tactics and had monetary backing [ From George Soros? - Editor ]

"Nicholas Cufini, Rose City Antifa: practice things like an eye gouge, it takes very little pressure to injure someone's eyes."

So, why are Democrats defending Antifa? AOC, Bernie Sanders, Keith Ellison, Bill Deblasio, etc................

Minnesota Attorney General and Minneapolis City Council member, Keith Ellison, has promoted the Antifa manual and taken a picture holding it. His son, Jeremiah Ellison, just declared his support for Antifa on Sunday.
Go to Project Veritas for more and better details. Yes, they are vicious criminals. Infiltrating their organisation means passing their training and acceptance procedures. The RCA website leads to, which incites political criminals.

Keith Ellison, the Attorney General of Minnesota has a duty to enforce the law; he is sworn to uphold the American Constitution. Is he doing either? Is he guilty of Misconduct In Public Office? The answer is obvious enough. NB The mayor of  Minneapolis, where the current rioting started is Jacob Frey, a left wing Jew sabotaging the police and encouraging black looters.


Vicious Left Wing Jew Is An Antifa Subversive   [  6 October 2020 ]
Pseudonymous anarchist organizer “Naftali Botwin” has for years used his twitter account (@JewishWorker) to troll, dox, and threaten political opponents with impunity.

Rumors about his identity have been informally circulated online for years, but sources familiar with the “antifa” movement have now confirmed to National Justice that “Naftali Botwin” is in fact a well-known operator in the Jewish political and media world: 41-year-old Daniel Jonathan Sieradski of Syracuse, New York...................

He is a current member of the Democratic Socialists of America’s (DSA) Jewish Caucus and belongs to a variety of other Jewish-themed far left groups, acting as an activist intermediary between wealthy Jewish liberals[ like George Soros? ] and the “Antifa” street thugs killing and looting through the streets of America..............

While many prominent members of the Jewish community are intimately familiar with individuals like Daniel Sieradski, they continue to publicly insist that “antifa” is merely a figment of Donald Trump’s imagination.
Jews of the Frankfurt School fled to America and set up the Long March Through The Institutions, waging Culture Wars against Western Civilization. They are succeeding brilliantly. Their current operations are to get rid of Donald Trump and set up  Civil War II. Recall that it was the Bolshevik Revolution that brought untold misery and some 100 million murders to the Russian Empire. The leading Bolsheviks were 82% Jews.


Antifa Rioters Demand Genocide Against White People - Media Suppress The Truth   [ 17 October 2020 ]
I've been physically present as eyewitness watching BLM/ANTIFA calling publicly for mass genocide against whites, and mass arson. The words were this clear. Over loudspeaker. Downtown by the park. In front to the Federal building now under siege roughly four months. No euphemism. No mealy words. Just straight talk about mass murder and Genghis Khan-style conquering. Screaming for all the world to hear in front of media. Are you seeing this reported on CNN? The media was there. I was there. [ The truth was nowhere - Ed. ]
The Mainstream Media incited rioting and mass murder after a black drug addict, a criminal called George Floyd died in police custody. They were brilliantly successful. Inciting Race Hatred is crime, isn't it? Not if it is anti-White & the Establishment is deeply corrupt. The media are suppressing the truth to deceive people voting for Donald Trump.