Tax Brown And Slavery

Brown claims that he is going to spend £10,900 for every man, woman and child in the UK. Think what means to the average family man. It is around 80% of his gross income. Cutting tax by 20% would double his money. It would also mean that a number of fat cats would not be buying quite as much champagne and caviar. NB Notice that he does not tell us how much he wastes by giving it to the EU or to foreign crooks in Africa.

From Where taxpayers money is spent

Where taxpayers money is spent
Total public spending is expected to be around £671.4 billion this year [2009 ], around £10,900 for every man, woman and child in the UK. It is set to rise to £701.7 billion in 2010-11.
Notice that Brown spends far more than he extorts from us. One way of doing that is borrowing. Another is printing it. If we do the same it called forgery and they will put anyone in prison. The major fraud not mentioned is the Private Finance Initiative. This means selling off government assets cheap, making fat cats rich and defrauding our children. Take the point that he is taking around 80% of our gross income away. Do you feel that you are getting value or anything like?


Where taxpayers money is spent


Budget 2009

  Building Britain's future
Where taxpayers money is spent

Total public spending is expected to be around £671.4 billion this year, around £10,900 for every man, woman and child in the UK. It is set to rise to £701.7 billion in 2010-11.

The Government will continue to invest in frontline public service alongside securing the best possible value for taxpayer's money [ Believe that if you want - Editor ] . Budget 2009 sets assumptions for spending growth from 2011-12 to 2013-14 which allow continued investment in public services whilst ensuring sustainable public finances in medium term. [ That is the lie direct - Editor ]


Government spending by function


Government receipts


Tax 2010
We can still blame this one on to Brown. Next time it will be down to Cameron and the other one.



Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated on 13/05/2022 11:06