Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

This book was written by Antony Sutton, an economist. It is about recent history and genuinely revolutionary. We were brought up to believe that Capitalism and socialism are mortal enemies. When it turns out that the Wall Street financiers were funding Bolsheviks in Russia it is shocking. Doctor Sutton writes clearly and well. It is one of those books we should all be acquainted with.

From http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/index.html

His Preface tells us what the book is about. The rest looks at the evidence and draws conclusions. The book itself is on line at Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. He names various men who were much better known at the time. Here are sources.

Americas Secret Establishment or America's Secret Establishment for the complete text
Memorandum Number ONE: Is there a conspiracy explanation for recent history?
Memorandum Number TWO: The Order. What it is and how it began 
Memorandum Number THREE: How much is known about The Order?
Memorandum Number FOUR: Who is in this secret society?
Memorandum Number FIVE: What organizations has it penetrated?
Memorandum Number SIX: Operations of The Order
Conspiracy theories tend to be wrong. Some make a lot more sense, especially when they have evidence to back them up.


Americans Trained Red Army
This was during the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution when Americans detested the revolutionaries. You might wonder who controls the American army. By the same token the same army is in Iraq fighting for foreign aliens. Some things do not change.


Olof Aschberg - Jew and Banker ex Wiki
Olof Aschberg (22 July 1877 – 21 April 1960) was a Swedish [ A Jew in fact - Editor ] banker and businessman. Aschberg was a leftist sympathizer and helped finance the Bolsheviks in Russia. In gratitude, the Bolshevik government allowed Aschberg to do business with Soviet Union during the 1920s. Aschberg became head of Ruskombank, the first Soviet international bank.

In 1912 he had founded in Stockholm the first Swedish bank for trade unions and cooperatives (Nya Banken) and became a friend of Hjalmar Branting. When financial operations in favour of the Germans in 1918 caused him trouble with the Allies of World War I, the bank was renamed Svensk Ekonomiebolaget. He was already a successful banker and businessman when he met first Willi Münzenberg who visited the Stockholm Youth Socialist Congress of 1917. Later, during the Bolsheviks aspirations to rebuild the Russian economy, it was Münzenberg's task to expand their modest pool of capital by floating a so called "workers' loan" using his "Workers International Relief" (WIR). By means of this subterfuge the money used for buying machines and goods in the West looked like being the outcome of proletarian support, in reality it came directly from the Kremlin, confiscated from Russia's rich and the Church. Established in Berlin in the 1920s, Aschberg's Guarantee and Credit Bank for the East was charged with repayment of the WIR workers' loan, although he had not been very fond of it from its very beginning on and had even contributed to deep six it soon after the launch. Aschberg had already gained the Soviet leaders' esteem by being one of the main connections in the early years after 1917 in evading the international boycott on gold robbed by the Bolsheviks, which he offered on the Stockholm market after having the bullions melted down and given new markings.
Jews have their fingers in many pies. They include big money, big revolution and big politics.


Bolshevik Revolution, Support And Export
William Boyce Thompson is an unknown name in twentieth-century history, yet Thompson played a crucial role in the Bolshevik Revolution.1 Indeed, if Thompson had not been in Russia in 1917, subsequent history might have followed a quite different course. Without the financial and, more important, the diplomatic and propaganda assistance given to Trotsky and Lenin by Thompson, Robins, and their New York associates, the Bolsheviks may well have withered away and Russia evolved into a socialist but constitutional society.

Who was William Boyce Thompson? Thompson was a promoter of mining stocks, one of the best in a high-risk business. Before World War I he handled stock-market operations for the Guggenheim copper interests. When the Guggenheims needed quick capital for a stock-market struggle with John D. Rockefeller, it was Thompson who promoted Yukon Consolidated Goldfields before an unsuspecting public to raise a $3.5 million war chest. Thompson was manager of the Kennecott syndicate, another Guggenheim operation, valued at $200 million. It was Guggenheim Exploration, on the other hand, that took up Thompson's options on the rich Nevada Consolidated Copper Company. About three quarters of the original Guggenheim Exploration Company was controlled by the Guggenheim family, the Whitney family (who owned Metropolitan magazine, which employed the Bolshevik John Reed), and John Ryan. In 1916 the Guggenheim interests reorganized into Guggenheim Brothers and brought in William C. Potter, who was formerly with Guggenheim's American Smelting and Refining Company but who was in 1916 first' vice president of Guaranty Trust.
Wall Street was happy to finance the Bolshevik Revolution as a road to controlling Russia. They wanted a captive market. The Wiki paints a much rosier picture of the man.


Thompson Gives the Bolsheviks $1 Million
Of greater historical significance, however, was the assistance given to the Bolsheviks first by Thompson, then, after December 4, 1917, by Raymond Robins. Thompson's contribution to the Bolshevik cause was recorded in the contemporary American press. The Washington Post of February 2, 1918, carried the following paragraphs:


Hermann Hagedorn's biography The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time (1869-1930) reproduces a photograph of a cablegram from J.P. Morgan in New York to W. B. Thompson, "Care American Red Cross, Hotel Europe, Petrograd." The cable is date-stamped, showing it was received at Petrograd "8-Dek 1917" (8 December 1917), and reads:

New York Y757/5 24W5 Nil — Your cable second received. We have paid National City Bank one million dollars as instructed — Morgan.

The National City Bank branch in Petrograd had been exempted from the Bolshevik nationalization decree — the only foreign or domestic Russian bank to have been so exempted. Hagedorn says that this million dollars paid into Thompson's NCB account was used for "political purposes."
Thompson was a Wall Street financier, a capitalist on the face of it but a serious friend of the revolutionaries. $1 million then is, perhaps $100 million now.


Lord Milner ex Wiki
Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner KG, GCB, GCMG, PC (23 March 1854—13 May 1925) was a British statesman and colonial administrator who played an influential leadership role in the formulation of foreign and domestic policy between the mid-1890s and early 1920s. He was also the key British Empire figure in the events leading up to and following the Boer War of 1898–1902 and, while serving as High Commissioner, is additionally noted for mentoring a gathering of young members of the South African Civil Service, informally known as Milner's Kindergarten who, in some cases, themselves became important figures in administering the British Empire. In the later part of his life, from December 1916 to November 1918, he was second only to Prime Minister David Lloyd George in the decision-making process guiding Britain through the crucial period leading to the end of World War I. He was highly influential during the times of the Boer War, First World War and  Bolshevik Revolution.


Sealed Train
Was used by the German General Staff to infiltrate Lenin into Russia. The point was that he would sabotage the Russian war machine. He succeeded big time. His coconspirators almost succeeded in taking over Germany too.


Was in New York when the Russian revolution happened. He hurried back to start a Bolshevik Revolution with a passport given to him by Woodrow Wilson, the President of America and $10,000 [ say $1 million today ] to start the Bolshies on their way.


Canadian Military Intelligence Views Trotsky
The theme of MacLean's reporting is, quite evidently, that Trotsky had intimate relations with, and probably worked for, the German General Staff. While such relations have been established regarding Lenin — to the extent that Lenin was subsidized and his return to Russia facilitated by the Germans — it appears certain that Trotsky was similarly aided. The $10,000 Trotsky fund in New York was from German sources, and a recently declassified document in the U.S. State Department files reads as follows:
So the German General Staff were on the ball. Paying effective political agitators to take the enemy in the rear is seriously effective. They laid on the Sealed Train from Zurich to the Finland Station for Lenin. It worked but does not explain why Woodrow Wilson gave Trotters his passport.


Wall Street Helps Bolsheviks
Convincing the American government to use the army, supplying guns ammunition, money to help revolution is very capitalist if the objective is a captive market.


Woodrow Wilson Personally Gave Trotsky A Passport
President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to "carry forward" the revolution. This American passport was accompanied by a Russian entry permit and a British transit visa. Jennings C. Wise, in Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution, makes the pertinent comment, "Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport."

President Wilson facilitated Trotsky's passage to Russia at the same time careful State Department bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia, were unilaterally attempting to tighten up passport procedures. The Stockholm legation cabled the State Department on June 13, 1917, just after Trotsky crossed the Finnish-Russian border, "Legation confidentially informed Russian, English and French passport offices at Russian frontier, Tornea, considerably worried by passage of suspicious persons bearing American passports."9
The implication of it is that Wilson was a Bolshevik sympathizer and activist. He may well have been responding to a request from Kerensky.


The Rockefellers and World Government
Is from a different pen but very much on the same lines. Doctor Sutton's thesis has solid evidence.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 23/06/2018 19:29