Triad Of Evil

The triad are Andrew Marr, Main Stream Media

What makes them more interesting at the moment, in June 2011 is that Marr has been exposed as a treacherous fornicator who betrayed his wife, Ashley by screwing Miles. Miles then produced a bastard which Marr assumed was his. It was not. The slut betrayed him too. Marr then proceeded to use the law to conceal the truth from us. Of course everyone who is anyone knew all about it. The rest of us were lied to. Marr is a gross hypocrite as well as a traitor who hates England.

Marr is a front man for the Guardian and the
Ashley fronts for the  Guardian too
Miles is with the Times She was screwed by the Jew, Ed Miliband
They are all part of the propaganda machine which is the worldwide Media. All of them helped conceal the truth about Obama using a Forged Birth Certificate because he was a foreigner.

Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on Friday, 13 May 2022 11:06:18