
Is in South America, Spanish speaking, with a left wing government and of major interest to America. To put it slightly differently, it has Oil, lots of it. The Venezuela tar sands have more than Saudi Arabia. It is getting noticed. So is the head man one, Hugo Chavez, Wayne Madsen had something to say about it on 4 October 2005.
PS Private Eye tells us at 1400/21 [ in 2015 ] that government thieves such as Nicolás Maduro are stealing billions while people go hungry. Comrade CorbynDiane Abbot, a fat ugly black ratbag of the Hard Left are keeping quiet about the place.

October 4, 2005 -- Washington Post Calls Venezuela "Undemocratic." The Washington Post, which employs Washington's largest stenographers' pool, yesterday referred to Venezuela in an article on Nicaragua as "undemocratic." In an attack piece on Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, the Post not only referred to Ortega as a child molester, a corrupt politician, and a marginal figure in Nicaraguan politics, but insinuated that Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and Ortega were in cahoots in some sort of "Bolivarian" axis.

These are exactly the talking points that are emanating from the neo con Latin American policy provocateurs in the Bush administration. The Washington Post dutifully repeated them in its editorial. People like Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have recently made threatening comments against the newly-emerging bloc of left-wing governments in Latin America, a bloc that may soon extend from Argentina and Chile through Bolivia, Brazil, and Venezuela, to Nicaragua and Mexico.

Never mind the fact that Ortega has achieved, through the electoral process, commanding political power in Nicaragua. And Chavez won his elections in 1998 and 2000 with 56.2 percent and 59.7 percent of the votes, respectively. After a 2002 U.S.-backed coup d'état against Chavez, Chavez won a U.S.-inspired recall referendum in 2004 with 59.25 percent of the vote. It was an election endorsed as fair by President Jimmy Carter and the Organization of American States. Carter could not say the same about the 2000 or 2004 U.S. presidential elections, fraudulent events the Washington Post refused to investigate.   And Bush could only dream of the electoral pluralities won by Chavez.


Nicolás Maduro ex Wiki 
Nicolás Maduro Moros born 23 November 1962) is a Venezuelan politician who has served as the de jure 46th President of Venezuela since 2013 and previously served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as Vice President of Venezuela from 2012 to 2013 under President Hugo Chávez.

Starting off as a bus driver, Maduro rose to become a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000............

 His presidency has coincided with a decline in Venezuela's socioeconomic status, with crime, inflation, poverty and hunger increasing; analysts have attributed Venezuela's decline to both Chávez and Maduro's economic policies,[9][10][11][12] while Maduro has blamed speculation and an "economic war" waged by his political opponents.[13][14][15][16][17][18] Shortages in Venezuela and decreased living standards resulted in protests beginning in 2014 that escalated into daily marches nationwide, resulting in 43 deaths and a decrease in Maduro's popularity.[19][20][21][22] Maduro's loss of popularity saw the election of an opposition-led National Assembly in 2015 and a movement toward recalling Maduro in 2016, though Maduro still maintains power through loyal political bodies, such as the Supreme Court, National Electoral Council and the military.
Read the Wiki, Deconstruct the Wiki then decide whether it is going easy on a Marxist thief starving his people.


Hugo Chavez Warns Venezuela Of American Invasion [ 15 November 2009 ]
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has renewed his charges that the US and Colombia have sealed a "devil's pact" to wage war against Venezuela. For the second time in little over a week, Chavez called for his military and the country's militia to prepare for war to protect the sovereignty of Venezuela against the threat posed by the US using Colombian soil........... Chavez is furious over last month's signing of a military cooperation deal between Bogota and Washington granting the US the use of seven military bases on Colombian soil.
Bush invaded Iraq to steal their Oil for Israel. Venezuela has oil, lots of oil so Mr. Chavez is right to be worried or at least right to get his people alert. Remember that Bush and Blair lied about those nasty WMDs and that Obama was going to shut GITMO and stop Torture. He lied about that. Politicians lie like they breathe.


Ukraine Rioting Gets Saturation Coverage - Venezuela Gets Ignored - So Does Guinea  [ 21 February 2014 ]
Not quite total indifference. Guido Fawkes is telling it like it is. The rest don't care - as long as oil keeps coming. Venezuela has lots of it.


Socialism Works In Venezuela - Allegedly - Government Murders Voters [ 21 February 2014 ]
"Venezuela's socialist President Maduro was lauded by Labour MPs as proof that a better way is possible" when he came to power. Today the country has descended into violence. Its opposition leader has been detained and faces ten years in prison, hundreds of protesters have been arrested, several killed reportedly by government sponsored gunmen, and many more injured. It is well worth taking a look at some of the photos coming out of Caracas this afternoon. Back in Britain, the Labour MPs and loony lefty commentators who shilled for Maduro refuse to condemn him"
PS Diane Abbot is a fat ugly ratbag of the Hard Left


Starvation In Venezuela Hurting The Army As Well   [ 30 January 2018 ]
Socialism works, it changes things. For the better? Not a chance. No army means no government means Anarchy. This may be worse.
PS McDonnell Tells Davos That Starving Venezuela Is Not Socialist Enough. He aspires to be our next prime minister. God help us.


Donald Trump Recognizes Venezuela's Opposition Party  [ 24 January 2019 ]
US President Donald Trump has recognized Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president in a provocative move against the elected government of Nicolas Maduro.

"Today, I am officially recognizing the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela," Trump said in statement.

He called the Maduro government "illegitimate" and "directly responsible for any threats" posed to the Venezuelan people.
Maduro is a thief starving his own people. Perhaps his greatest achievement is keeping Venezuela at the top of the world's Misery Index since 2013.


The Left Must Show Some Solidarity With Comrade Corbyn And Venezuela   [ 1 February 2019 ]
Says the Morning Star, which was the Daily Worker. Who in Venezuela should we side with, the people are going hungry or the thief robbing them? The Bolsheviks' score after their revolution ran to 85 to 100 million murders [ see The Black Book of Communism ] and still they have followers.


Venezuela’s Crisis Threatens U.S. Control Over Oil Prices      
So says Oil Price. Is it right? Quite possibly. Donald Trump stopped Americans buying their oil on 28 January for as long as Maduro is in power.


Marxism Succeeding In Venezuela       [ 3 May 2019 ]
Venezuela is a rich country but people are starving because it is run by a very rich Marxist thief. Pat Buchanan says it is a wonderful opportunity to let them sort themselves out. Pat is right again.


Venezuelan Warship Rams Civilian Cruise Liner Then Sinks   [ 4 April 2020 ]
A Venezuelan warship sank after a disastrous attempt to ram a German-owned cruise ship in the Caribbean Sea, it is alleged. 

The crew of the cruise liner RGCS Resolute say the Venezuelan patrol boat fired gunshots and 'purposely collided' with the vessel after ordering it to sail towards Venezuela. 

However, the Resolute is equipped with a strengthened hull for ice expeditions and the collision caused far greater damage to the navy boat Naiguata. 

Venezuela's defence ministry - which blames the cruise ship for the collision - did not say that the Naiguata sank, but widespread reports say that it did. 
The Venezuelan navy is a gang of pirates used by a criminal state; one that makes its people go hungry. The Mail has turned mealy mouthed. Venezuela is "alleged, claimed etc." Fleet Monitor sees the funny side of it.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 11:51:48