Winter in Moscow

For other book reviews go to Review or Books. This book tells us what The Guardian would not; it has a virtue; it tells the truth about Jews, which is why it will never be reprinted. The subject is the mass murder carried out by Joe Stalin in the Ukraine circa 1932. It was written up by the Wiki as the Holodomor. You can see something of the ugly reality at 'A Gift To Posterity' Four Men Who Risked The Wrath Of Stalin To Photograph The Holodomor. One of the four, Whiting Williams was an American studying labour relations.

There is a directory of authenticated pictures at Holodomor Photo Directory. Some pictures out there have been mis-labelled.


Winter in Moscow by Malcolm Muggeridge
 Malcolm Muggeridge was better known in his latter days as a commentator and television personality. As a much younger man he was a reporter in Moscow when Russia was ruled by Joe Stalin. Mr. Muggeridge went out into the countryside and saw peasants being rounded up by the Red Army to be deported or murdered. When The Manchester Guardian got his report they were so pleased that they suppressed it. This book was never reprinted but your library will have it in its reserve collection. A close up view of practical tyranny and the people who use it for their own advantage.


Winter In Moscow ex Amazon
65 of 69 people found the following review helpful
Malcolm Muggeridge, a confirmed life-long Fabian, went to Moscow as a journalist to realize his dream of studying first-hand the wonders of this political-economic dictatorship that the NY Times correspondent had called "The Future". ("We have seen the future and it works!")

In a very short period, Muggeridge, an intelligent, politically savvy man, saw through the propaganda which hid to the world the all-pervading Terror, the economic disaster, the assassinations, the rape and thievery of the country's riches, the hunger-induced cannibalism, and the mountains of cadavers, all of this savagery carried out by a chosen few, who saw nothing wrong with the way that they, who controlled it all, were taking over and destroying the country, for their exclusive benefit.

Muggeridge saw legions of foreign, leftist radicals who were taking advantage of the real Russians, who were starving; he saw as well other regiments of "useful-idiots" who gained little from the cruel experiment, but rejoiced in the mystic "values" that they saw, which obscured to them the grim reality of the disaster that was taking place. The book is historical fiction. Muggeridge tried to counter the damage to Freedom caused by the admiration of the cuckolded Western press, either seduced by what they did not understand or afraid for what might happen one day, should this perverted, absurd experiment that was Communism, triumph.
The Amazon reviews it but does not sell it. Try the second hand dealers.

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Updated  on  Monday, 28 February 2022 18:34:53