ZOG In England

ZOG is short for Zionist Occupation Government. It applies to Her Majesty's Government, Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition, the Liberal Party & at least one smaller party which is on the up. Of course the American government is just as much under the Zionist jackboot but that is another part of a worldwide conspiracy. BTW the Israel Lobby does not exist. We know this because it says so loud and long; it has the funding, the power, influence that gives it access to the Mainstream Media to make sure that we know.

By way of evidence look at:-
Conservative Friends of Israel,
Labour Friends of Israel,
Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel,
Anglican Friends Of Israel,
Christian Friends of Israel - UK,
Northern Ireland Friends of Israel Started By The Very Reverend Ian Paisley,
European Friends of Israel & Friends of Israel Initiative. There are more at Israel Friendship Associations.

Why does Israel need so many friends? Because it has so many enemies. Robbery, murder, War Mongering, political manipulation et cetera can have that effect. They get away with it because they are the Puppet Masters, cunning, vicious, paranoid, murderous manipulators. Here is commentary. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.

ZOG in the United Kingdom ex Metapedia
The Metapedia collection is quite small. There should be a lot more. It fingers:-
David Abrahams - Jew, corrupt, Marxist
Catholic Voice - victim, harassed by corrupt MPs
Gerry Gable - guilty as Hell
Ted Grant
Jewish Council for Racial Equality but in not Israel
New Labour and mass immigration  - guilty as Hell
Runnymede Trust - guilty as Hell
Searchlight - guilty as Hell
Yigael Gluckstein - alias Tony Cliff


Runnymede Trust
Sounds very English. It was set up by Jews to facilitate the Ethnic Fouling Of England


Zionist Control Of Britain's Government - 1940 to 2009
William A. Cook charts the history of Zionist control of Britain's government and argues "it’s time that Britain is reborn, free from the shackles that bind it to this corrupt power that flouts international law, wantonly commits crimes against humanity and in brazen arrogance tells the United Nations to shove its demands to comply with the civilized communities of the world".

“After so many years of setting the tone, bribing UK politicians and controlling the BBC they [the Zionists] are used to being untouchable.” (Gilad Atzmon, “Time for Britain to reclaim its sovereignty and dignity by de-Zionizing itself”)

This week the British people listened to the Daily Mail’s Peter Oborne present, on Channel 4 TV, his devastating account of the Jewish lobby’s control of the British government. Now we know that virtually all the principal politicians in the UK of both parties, like their brothers across the lake in our House and Senate, take “contributions” from the Israeli lobby machine, ensuring that the Anglo-American Middle East policies follow the dictates of the Israeli government. Gilad Atzmon [ a Jew ] responded to this report in his article “Time for Britain to reclaim its sovereignty and dignity by de-Zionizing itself,” noting that, because this control has been in place for so many years, the lobby feels “untouchable”.
Bill is on the right lines with this lot.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 13/08/2023 08:46