
#Bestiality is a Sexual Perversion, one of various possibilities that include Incest, Homosexuality, Rape, Sodomy and, perhaps a few others. It is one written up by the Wiki in its chosen fashion; so it is Zoophilia ex Wiki. Too many people have some idea about the nature of the beast; rather fewer think that the Wiki is a Propaganda machine with an unpleasant agenda.

The #Merriam Webster Dictionary's definitions are reasonable. #Collins Dictionary is honest too. The Wiki's offering is on line. Read it if you will. I am not quoting them. It is worth Reading, if at all, closely, Deconstructing the attitudes, the assumptions behind it. The omissions are often revealing.

The Wiki tells about the #Legality of Bestiality by Country or Territory ex Wiki. One way or another legislators worldwide have been too appalled by the subject to write specific laws. It was genuinely Taboo. This explains the Wiki's attitude.


Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Bestiality
1.sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal
2. the condition or status of a lower (see lower entry 3 sense 3) animal … the difference between bestiality and humanity …— John Dewey
3. display or gratification of bestial traits or impulses the bestiality and degradation that war brings— Drew Middleton

Three possible meanings.. They cover the ground.


Collins Dictionary - Zoophilia
a morbid condition in which a person has a sexual attraction to animals; bestiality


Zoophilia ex Wiki


Read critically or not at all.


Legality of Bestiality by Country or Territory ex Wiki

The Wiki pretends to be neutral, to take it down the middle. Believe it if you will.