The War On White Australia

The title of this article might sound like an exaggeration. It would nice if it were not true. Sad to say Australia is under sustained attack, successful attack, one aimed at destroying its moral fibre. It is one of the Culture Wars being waged against Western Civilization. It markets White Guilt followed by Ethnic Fouling morphing into Genocide , a contravention of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. It is Treason perpetrated by the rulers of what is still one of the best countries in the world, who have been infiltrated by the Puppet Masters, which is to say Jews especially Zionist crazies. They are our Invisible Enemy.

They use the Multiculturalism racket, telling us that Aboriginals were victims. It is a story that has a degree of truth, especially for those who want to believe. They are Lenin's Useful Idiots. If Abos had benefitted it would have played better in public discourse. In fact they have been treated abominably by Gough Whitlam, a corrupt Socialist, lately a prime minister and various other rogues. Keith Windschuttle, once of the left explains in The Fabrication of Aboriginal History. As the title of this article implies, it is not just Australia under attack; it is England, Europe, America and the rest of Western Civilization. One perpetrator is the Jew, Robert Manne.

To know the very ugly truth about what Marxists did and are still doing to Abos read what Peter Howson has to tell us in Pointing the Bone.

The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 1 of 5
Written by Brenton Sanderson on August 13, 2012 154 Comments
Results from the 2011 Australian Census reveal that, for the first time in that nation’s history, the majority of migrants are now arriving from Asia instead of Europe. Indians and Chinese have become the fastest growing sections of the Australian population. Between 2006 and 2011 the number of Australian permanent residents born in India increased [...]


The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 2 of 5
The History of Judaism in Australia Jews have been present in Australia since the beginning of European settlement. Around a dozen Jewish convicts came with the First Fleet in 1788. When the transportation of convicts to eastern Australia ended in 1853, around 800 of the 151,000 convicts to have arrived were of Jewish origin. The [...]


The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 3 of 5
Walter Lippmann – The Jewish architect of Australian Multiculturalism While the Minister for Immigration in the Whitlam government (1972-1975), Al Grassby, is widely renowned in politically correct Australian circles as the “father of Australian multiculturalism,” the real architect of this poisonously anti-White ideology and policy in Australia was Walter Lippmann, a German-Jewish refugee who settled [...]


The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 4 of 5
Opposition to multiculturalism in Australia and the Jewish response Australian Jewry, now just one ethnic group among many in a “multicultural” society, remains, as Rubinstein observes, “one of the best organised Diaspora communities in the world and is frequently at the forefront of ethnic and multicultural affairs in Australia.”[i] The one-time editorial committee member of [...]


The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 5 of 5
Jewish anti-White activism and Australia’s Aborigines As in the United States, Australian Jews have formed strategic partnerships with various the non-White “victim” groups, who, like them, have been the alleged victims of White oppression and injustice. Prominent among these non-White groups is Australia’s indigenous people. One Jewish source describes Jews and Aborigines as “two peoples [...]


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Updated on 23/06/2018 19:29