Political Prisoners

We know there are political prisoners in despotic regimes. The fact of political imprisonment is a key indicator of the criminal nature of the tyranny. They exist in China, Israel and other oppressed lands. One does not expect them in America [ GITMO apart ], England, Australia or New Zealand. However the American government has its very own Political Prisoner No. 1. Ed Steele [ RIP ] is on Facebook but not the Wikipedia. In England we have the examples of Emma West and Jeremy Bedford-Turner.

Now in the foul year of our Lord 2014, an Englishman Was Arrested For Quoting Winston Churchill.


British Government Arrested Philip Horn, An Honest Englishman For Approving Of Breivik [  3 September 2012 ]
A British dad has been arrested on [ alleged ] suspicion of inciting racial hatred after praising mass murderer Anders Breivik on Facebook, it emerged today. Philip Horn, 44, allegedly said on the social networking site that he 'takes his hat off' to the infamous gunman. The Norwegian slaughtered 77 adults and teenagers when he bombed government buildings in Oslo and carried out a mass shooting on the island of Utoya in July last year.

Horn, a father-of-three, from Gillingham, was arrested by Kent Police on Thursday afternoon and is currently being held in custody. Horn, who is reported to have links with the English Defence League, is also alleged to have publicly supported Breivik’s crusade to 'protect his country from Muslims'. The unemployed builder from Gillingham, Kent, is said to have posted a message saying: 'Well done Anders Breivik. I take my hat off to you sir.
This is a grotesque abuse of state power. Mr. Horn has not threatened anyone or incited crime. This makes him utterly different to the War Criminal, Blair who used the Army to invade in Iraq, to kill thousands, to steal oil for Israel. Blair is being protected by the regime at great expense while honest people like Mr. Horn and Emma West are subjected to Malicious prosecution.


Jacqueline Woodhouse
Yesterday evening, at a specially convened True British People's Court, District Judge Michael Snow was found guilty of treason against the indigenous population of the United Kingdom, after he knowingly and wrongfully convicted and sent to prison for 21 weeks, Ms Jacqueline Woodhouse, a True British Woman who was charged under the illegal New World Order's Political Intimidation Act, for speaking out in public against the colonisation of Our Country.

Quisling Judge Snow, who has a previous conviction for acting against the interests of the True British People for failing to jail Sarfraz Khan, who recklessly and knowingly endangered the lives of his passengers and other road users, when he drove a London double decker bus through packed streets during the morning rush hour.
Telling the truth is crime if you are English. Dangerous driving is trivial - if a Pakistani is the perpetrator. That is how it works in an English court if Snow is the judge.


Emma West
Is an Englishwoman who told the truth and was put in prison for her pains. In fact they locked her up in a lunatic asylum and stole her child. That way they did not have to bother giving her a trial in order to assess the evidence. It was a way of terrorizing her and every honest Englishman. It is also a technique for Perverting the course of justice much used by the Soviets when they ran the USSR.


Edgar Steele
Ed is charged with trying to murder his wife. His wife is a passionate supporter of his; she has a belief in FBI corruption. They, the FBI are the perpetrators of the Ruby Ridge Massacre and the Waco Massacre. They murdered, they destroyed the evidence, they investigated. They got away with it both times. See for yourself what Ed's family have to tell us about the man and their belief in them.


Hal Turner - Wikipedia version of truth
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American white nationalist, Holocaust denier and blogger from North Bergen, New Jersey. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Prior to Turner's arrest, his radio program, The Hal Turner Show, was a webcast from his home once a week.


Hal Turner a Trained FBI Agent Provocateur
Radio talk show host and blogger Hal Turner was an FBI trained agent provocateur, his attorney told reporters in Hartford today. The supposed white supremacist worked for the agency from 2002 until 2007. “His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest,” Michael Orozco told the Associated Press...........

Hal Turner specifically attempted to appeal to the patriot movement and the constitutionalists. It should serve as a wake-up call that the FBI trained him as an agent provocateur.
If Hal was an
FBI agent, he is a disgruntled one. They used him; they screwed him. The FBI is the enemy of democracy - of the American sort.


Political Prisoners Appealing Against Conviction In Lawrence Case [ 1 February 2012 ]
One of two men jailed for the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence has started the process of appealing against his conviction earlier this month.............

The two were [ alleged to be ] part of a group of five white men   [ Englishmen in fact ] who were suspected of the killing in 1993, but had escaped justice through police failings and because some witnesses were too scared to come forward [ I am confident that  is an unsubstantiated lie - Editor ].
The law regarding Double Jeopardy was changed after 800 years of service in order to bring a Malicious prosecution against Englishmen who resent the imposition of Third World foreigners on us by a government of traitors. The Guardian is in the vanguard of hate because it is a propaganda machine run by Useful Idiots and rogues. They are keen on showing us the these disobliging pictures of the alleged killers in order to prejudice anyone and everyone against them.

The Guardian claims that the judge alleged that this was a "terrible and evil crime". That is rubbish. It was a quick, clean kill which would have been ignored by the Establishment  if blacks had been the perpetrators because they, the Establishment are Anti-White Racists who hate England.


Englishman Arrested For Quoting Winston Churchill [ 29 April 2014 ]
Today [ 26 April ] Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB and candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, has been arrested in Winchester for quoting Winston Churchill's book The River War regarding Islam thus:-
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith."
One of Lenin's Useful Idiots complained. The police responded enthusiastically. Of course when a Racist Pakistani like 'Lord' Ahmed is reported for inciting race hatred the police refuse to do anything. They will not even admit that they have been told.


Political Police Make Political Arrest, Left Wing Likes It That Way [ 29 April 2014 ]
"Over the weekend, a candidate was arrested for addressing his potential voters. Clear aside the incidental details, scrape away the mitigating circumstances, and ponder that elemental fact. Paul Weston, standing for election to the European Parliament (against me, as it happens, in the South East) was arrested in the middle of a speech on the steps of the Winchester Guildhall.

When such a thing happens in Burma or Belarus or Bahrain, we report it in suitably shocked tones. Yet here it is happening in Britain, without any discussions on the Today Programme, any Amnesty vigils, any complaints from Liberty."
One politician is honest. Where are the rest? Too busy with expense fraud?


Labour Vote Fraud Exposed, Police Collude With Perpetrators While Harassing Right Wing Candidates [ 1 May 2014 ]
Paul Weston is not the only Political Prisoner taken by corrupt police. There was poor little Emma West locked up in a lunatic asylum without the nuisance of charges, a trial et cetera. They broke her. Let us hope that Mr. Weston is stronger.


Rotherham Proves Moral Corruption Of Left Wing
Margaret Wente, “The Unspeakable Truth about Rotherham” (The Globe and Mail, Sept.4, 2014):

Andrew Norfolk, the Times journalist whose investigative reports prompted this inquiry and others now under way, has explained why this travesty is so toxic to Britain’s liberal elites. “The suggestion that men from a minority ethnic background were committing sex crimes against white children was always going to be the far right’s fantasy come true,” he wrote. “Innocent white victims, evil dark-skinned abusers. Liberal angst kicked instinctively into top gear.”

But of course, the anxieties of the right were never fantasies. The fantasy was the left’s ideology that there are no important differences between people, that race doesn’t exist, and that the bloody history of ethnic conflict would magically disappear when millions of Muslims immigrated to the UK.

But no amount of liberal angst will make this story go away. Current Home Secretary Theresa May has acknowledged that “institutionalized political correctness” has inflicted appalling damage on the innocent. And the broader failures of Muslim integration are now too obvious to ignore. It’s not just all the young men who run off to join the caliphate and saw off people’s heads. It’s the Birmingham school scandal, where it was discovered that dozens of secular schools had been targeted for Islamization by Muslim radicals. It’s the imported culture of violence and misogyny.

Right. It’s not just the Pakistani rape gangs preying on White girls, but the reality that the West has imported cultures of violence, misogyny, extreme ethnocentrism, political corruption, and hostility toward the West. As Wente notes, the effects of the campaign to displace the native British populations has resulted in moral travesty against the innocent. There is thus a powerful moral dimension here that should be exploited by patriots.

White populations have been endlessly lectured by the Left about the moral failures of the past — mainly slavery and colonialism. But the left has not only failed to provide a realistic assessment of the powerful currents of moral indignation that ended slavery in the West and which are unique to the West, it has failed to come to grips with the reality of what these other cultures are really like. Again, the West has imported cultures of violence, misogyny, extreme ethnocentrism, political corruption, and hostility toward the West.

As Dan Hodges (a professed liberal) wrote this week in The Telegraph: “We can’t carry on like this. We just can’t.”

Quite right. Cataclysmic changes must be made because the Left that has been culturally dominant throughout the West for decades is intellectually bankrupt; more importantly, it is morally bankrupt. Perhaps Rotherham and the other rape scandals around the UK will finally burst the Left’s aura of moral superiority to the point where advocating immigration and multiculturalism will make one a moral pariah and induce feelings of guilt among Whites.

It’s not guilt per se that is destroying the West. It’s guilt about advocating the morally legitimate interests of retaining the lands that Europeans have historically dominated. The disaster is that for decades Western elites have been hostile to the traditional peoples and cultures of Europe. And with the dominance of these elites has come the dominance of ideologies that induce guilt for advocating what every other people and culture always have always advocated.

Placing the moral onus on the Left is an important step forward because for so many White people, the need to feel that their actions are morally sanctioned is critical. During the Cold War there was a clear moral dimension to the forces of anti-communism, and it eventually succeeded. However, the Left morphed into rejecting Stalinism, mass murder, Gulags, and police state governments in favor of morally framed appeals on issues such as Civil Rights and slavery in the US and the holocaust and immigration as a moral imperative throughout the West. Throughout the West, the charge of “racism” became the most dreaded accusation imaginable.

It is no exaggeration to say that the moral capital gained from these causes continues to be decisive for millions of well-meaning White people. And it is certainly no accident that Hollywood — a paradigmatic institution dominated by an elite that is hostile to the traditional people and cultures of the West — continues to spew out movies and television on these themes while at the same time the media continues to under-report crime in which Whites are victims of non-Whites (recent example here).

Whites must come to realize that the immigration/multiculturalism onslaught is also deeply immoral because it is putting formerly homogeneous White societies in danger of the violence, hostility and other pathologies of these imported cultures, and even, in the case of Rotherham and many others, preventing prosecution of non-White criminals. Unless there are drastic changes, it will only get worse in the future as White political power declines.

Because of our unique evolutionary history, we need to feel part of a moral in-group — a facet of Western individualism and de-emphasis on kinship. The events in Rotherham make it plain that the moral dimension is entirely on the side of those who want to rid the UK and the rest of the West of the plague of non-White immigration.
Blaming the Left Wing, especially the Hard Left & Ultra-left for their evil is a very important counter to their accusations of White Guilt.


American Government Murdered Political Prisoner5 September 2014 ]
Ed Steele
RIP was a nuisance. Ed Steele was fitted up in a gross Perversion Of The Course Of Justice. Ed Steele was put away for life in a prison thousands of miles from his family. Ed Steele's health was deliberately neglected. Now Ed Steele is dead. That is how Joe Stalin killed millions in his Gulag.


Englishman Is A Political Prisoner Doing Five Years  [ 15 July 2017 ]
But "British citizens" are allowed to enlist with ISIS and make war, it they are Pakistanis or some such, contrary to the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870; business as usual, corruption as usual at the Crown Prosecution Service. The thug who perpetrated the Manchester Massacre benefitted from its enthusiasm for protecting Third World criminals. They turned nasty with the Englishman by abusing terrorism law. To be fair he is a plebian twerp with a bit of previous.


High Court Approves Extradition Of Political Prisoner  [ 12 December 2021 ]
The UK High Court has granted the US government’s appeal over the refusal to extradite WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, opening the door for his eventual trial on American soil on espionage charges.

In January, a district court denied the US extradition request, citing the vulnerable mental state of the publisher and the possibility that he would take his own life if subjected to brutal prison conditions in the US.

The High Court’s ruling is not final since it can be appealed. Assange’s fiancée, Stella Moris, called the decision “a grave miscarriage of justice.” The case has been remitted to the Westminster Magistrates Court.

The High Court said it was satisfied with the US lawyer’s assurances that the so-called Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) would not be applied to Assange when in US custody. An earlier refusal to extradite him was partially justified by the fact that he could be subjected to SAMs. The US team argued during appeal hearings that if the American side knew it was an issue, they would have offered assurances to the contrary during the original process.

SAMs are special restrictions that the US prison system may order for inmates deemed [ claimed/alleged/stated/pretended ] to be dangerous. They include isolation from other prisoners at a maximum security facility. Critics say they are dehumanizing and in some cases may amount to psychological torture.
The American government machine, the Deep State is a criminal organisation & malicious to boot. That is why they are doing whatever it takes to get Julian where they can bully him for the rest of his life. He proved they are a long term, systematic criminal outfit. They proved their malice by torturing Edgar Steele to death.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 22/12/2021 11:42