Jimmy Savile

Jimmy Savile was the BBC front man providing the innocent fun; a splendid little chap, what? NO! Savile was a thoroughly nasty bit of work, a Paedophile pervert. The Beeb covered up for him because the Beeb is full of Homosexuals. He was their kind of people. Then, once he was safely dead the truth came out. Whoops. The pay off, a big pay off is that it has discredited the Beeb. Earlier revelations regarding tax fraud were boring. Perversion made it big. The Beeb didn't bother to tell us about Cyril Smith, another conspicuous Paedophile pervert. Ditto for Mark Trotter & 'Lord' Janner. Corruption is the name of the game.

There has been no public breast beating over the far more important fact that the BBC is a Propaganda machine, a major source of Cultural Marxism, of Racism, a Marxist construct. It is anti-English racism but deeply sincere Racism none the less. A government report is The report of the investigation into matters relating to Savile at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He is accused of being a necrophile.
PS An article by the Signs of the Times called The BBC Protecting Pedophiles and War Criminals Since 2004 tells us that Mark Williams-Thomas is the detective-turned-reporter who first publicly exposed Jimmy Savile as a prolific sex offender in early October 2012 on the ITV program Exposure. Further that Williams-Thomas, who is currently making a second program that will further investigate Savile's abuses, recently stated that the evidence he has gathered suggests that Savile engineered his entire career so that he could molest youngsters:
PPS The Beeb also employed Stuart Hall, another Paedophile

Savile with Peter Jaconelli another pervert.
PS Janet Smith investigated Savile & Stuart Hall. Her reports, the unclassified parts at all events are at:-
Summaries and Conclusions of the Savile and Hall investigation reports, PDF (6.4MB)
Jimmy Savile Investigation
Stuart Hall Investigation

 NB The Review costs illustrate an important truth; Smith made big time while the lawyers did far better. The witnesses got peanuts. 

Jimmy Savile ex Wiki
Allegations of sexual abuse
Main article: Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal
During his lifetime
During Savile's lifetime, sporadic allegations of child abuse were made against him, but only became widely publicised after his death. Savile claimed the key to his success on Jim'll Fix It had been that he disliked children, although he later admitted to saying this to deflect scrutiny of his personal life. He did not own a computer as he did not want anybody to think he was downloading child pornography.[3]

In a 1990 interview for The Independent on Sunday, Lynn Barber asked him about rumours that he liked "little girls". Savile's reply was that, as he worked in the pop music business, "...the young girls in question don't gather round me because of me – it's because I know the people they love, the stars... I am of no interest to them."[93] In April 2000, in a documentary by Louis Theroux, When Louis Met Jimmy Savile, Savile acknowledged "salacious tabloid people" had raised rumours about whether he was a paedophile, and said, "I know I'm not."[94]

In 2007, Savile was interviewed under caution by police investigating an allegation of indecent assault in the 1970s at the now-closed Duncroft Approved School for Girls near Staines, Surrey, where he was a regular visitor. The Crown Prosecution Service advised there was insufficient evidence to take any further action and no charges were brought.[95] In March 2008, Savile started legal proceedings against The Sun newspaper which had linked him in several articles to child abuse at the Jersey children's home Haut de la Garenne.[96] Savile denied visiting Haut de la Garenne, but later admitted that he had done so following the publication of a photograph showing him at the home surrounded by children.[65] The States of Jersey Police said that in 2008 an allegation of an indecent assault by Savile at the home in the 1970s had been investigated, but there had been insufficient evidence to proceed.[97] In 2009, Savile publicly defended convicted pop star Gary Glitter, saying, "he just watched a few 'dodgy films' and was only vilified because he was a celebrity... It were for his own gratification. Whether it was right or wrong is up to him as a person. But they didn't do anything wrong."[98]

In 2012, Sir Roger Jones, former BBC governor for Wales and chairman of BBC charity Children in Need, disclosed that more than a decade before Savile's death he had banned Savile from involvement in the charity, because he felt Savile's behaviour was "strange" and "suspicious", and had heard unsubstantiated rumours about his activities.[99] Former Royal Family press secretary Dickie Arbiter said Savile's behaviour had raised "concern and suspicion" when Savile acted as an informal marriage counsellor between Prince Charles and Princess Diana in the late 1980s, although no reports had been made.

After his death
In early 2012, several newspapers reported that BBC's Newsnight had investigated allegations of sexual abuse immediately after Savile's death, but the report was not broadcast.[100]

On 28 September 2012, almost a year after his death, ITV said it would broadcast a documentary, Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile,[13] with claims by up to 10 women, including one aged under 14 at the time, that they had been sexually molested or raped by Savile during the 1960s and 1970s.[101] The announcement attracted national attention, and more reports and claims of abuse against him accumulated. The documentary was broadcast on 3 October 2012. The next day, the Metropolitan Police said the Child Abuse Investigation Command would assess the allegations.[102]

By 19 October 2012, police were pursuing 400 lines of inquiry based on testimony from 200 witnesses via 14 police forces across the UK. They described the alleged abuse as "on an unprecedented scale", and the number of potential victims as "staggering".[103] Investigations, codenamed Operation Yewtree, were opened to identify criminal conduct related to Savile's activities by the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service into why a prosecution had been dropped as unlikely to succeed in 2009.[16][17] By 25 October police reported the number of possible victims was approaching 300.[14]

On 12 November 2012, the Metropolitan Police announced the scale of sexual allegations reported against Savile was "unprecedented" in Britain: a total of 450 alleged victims had contacted the police in the ten weeks since the investigation was launched. Officers have recorded 199 crimes in 17 police force areas in which Savile was a suspect, among them 31 allegations of rape in seven force areas.[104] Analysis of the report showed 82% of those who came forward to report abuse were female and 80% were children or young people at the time of the incidents.[105]

The developing scandal led to inquiries into practices at the BBC and the National Health Service. It was alleged that rumours of Savile's activities had circulated at the BBC in the 1960s and 1970s, but no action had been taken. Savile was trusted with keys and unsupervised access to patients including the mentally and physically disabled at some hospitals.[106][107] The Director-General of the BBC, George Entwistle, apologised for what had happened, and on 16 October 2012 appointed former High Court judge Dame Janet Smith to review the culture and practices of the BBC during the time Savile worked there,[108] and Nick Pollard, a former Sky News executive, was appointed to look at why the Newsnight investigation into Savile's activities was dropped shortly before transmission in December 2011.[108]

On 22 October 2012, the BBC programme Panorama broadcast an investigation into Newsnight and found evidence suggesting "senior manager" pressure;[109] on the same day Newsnight editor Peter Rippon "stepped down" with immediate effect.[110][111] The Department of Health appointed former barrister Kate Lampard to chair and oversee its investigations into Savile's activities at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Leeds General Infirmary, Broadmoor Hospital and other hospitals and facilities in England.[112]

Exposure Update: The Jimmy Savile Investigation, was shown on ITV on 21 November 2012.[113]


Savile's ornate black granite and steel headstone stood for just 19 days after it was unveiled on 20 September 2012.

Within a month of the child abuse scandal breaking, many places and organisations named after or connected to Savile were renamed or had his name removed.[114] A memorial plaque on the wall of Savile's former home in Scarborough was removed in early October 2012 after it was defaced with graffiti.[115] A wooden statue of him at Scotstoun Leisure Centre in Glasgow was removed around the same time.[116] A sign on a footpath in Scarborough bearing Savile's surname was removed.[117] Savile's Hall, the conference centre at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds, was renamed New Dock Hall.[118] Two registered charities founded in his name to fight "poverty and sickness and other charitable purposes" announced they were too closely tied to his name to be sustainable and would close and distribute their funds to other charities, so as to avoid harm to beneficiaries from future media attention.[119] On 28 October it was reported that Savile's cottage in Glen Coe had been spray-painted with slogans and the door damaged.[120][121]

On 9 October 2012, relatives said the headstone of Savile's grave would be removed, destroyed and sent to landfill.[122][123][124] The family expressed their sorrow for the "anguish" of the victims and "respect [for] public opinion".[125]

Savile's estate, believed to be worth about £4 million, was frozen by its executors, the NatWest bank, in view of the possibility that those alleging that they had been assaulted by Savile could make claims for damages.[126]
Why do they always wait until the guilty are dead?



Savile's Bum Chum In The Frame Too

Ted Heath, Marxist Traitor Accused Of Being A Paedophile Murderer [ 2 July 2013 ]
VIDEO: detailed expose of Tory “murdering paedophile” Ted Heath [ seen here with Jimmy Savile ]

Make of this interview what you will, but what Shrimpton claims about former British PM and Savile pal, Ted Heath, is given in graphic detail, and clearly implicates more than one top ranking government official in murdering children – which was covered-up.
Mr. Shrimpton was a judge. Anyone who makes the point that Heath was a fat paedophile traitor is on the right lines. Watch the video. Decide for yourself.


BBC Still Covering Up For Savile5 September 2014 ]
It is more about protecting the people who let him get away with it. He was exposed by Meirion Jones who, oddly enough is a BBC producer. Peter Rippon failed to cover it up.


Jimmy Savile's Mate Get 25 Years While Pakistani Paedophiles Walk Free [ 11 December 2014 ]
One away is good news. Hanging would be better. More to the point, our wonderful police are taking active steps to keep Pakistani Perverts in Rotherham out of prison. After all they only raped 1,400 English girls. They don't matter. Those who protected the rapists do.


BBC Protected Paedophile Pervert Despite Knowing His Guilt [ 21 January 2016 ]
Retired judge Dame Janet Smith condemns BBC culture over Sir Jimmy Savile’s paedophile activities at the broadcaster in her inquiry report leaked to Exaro. In a searing indictment of the BBC, Smith criticises the corporation for a “very deferential culture”, its “untouchable” stars and “above the law” managers.

Her report outlines multiple rapes and indecent assaults on girls and boys, and incidents of “inappropriate sexual conduct” with teenagers above 16, all “in some way associated with the BBC”. “Three of Savile’s victims were only nine years old.”......

The draft report seen by Exaro, running to more than 500 pages, was completed over a year ago.
Of course the BBC knew that Jimmy Savile was a Paedophile pervert. That is why they liked him. They protected Stuart Hall, another Paedophile. Then there were Ted Heath, a Marxist with an unwholesome interest in brown envelopes & 'Lord' Janner, who got away with it because he was a Jew. The BBC is a Propaganda machine marketing Feminism, Homosexuality & Racism - if it is anti-English Racism. They are the Enemy Within waging Culture War against us.

Review costs
Costs from the Dame Janet Smith Review and Good Corporation Review of BBC child protection and whistleblowing policies can be found below.
Breakdown of costs

Total costs: £6.5m*

BBC Trust costs (external legal support): £78,614.62 (excl VAT)**

The BBC has also today published the costs of the Good Corporation review of the BBC’s child protection and whistleblowing policies.

Total costs: £173,654

*Costs correct as of February 19, 2016.

**Costs confirmed as of February 25 2016. Final costs will be published as part of 2015/16 Annual Report and Accounts.